Kamis, 24 Oktober 2019



Chapter 6 includes Dinda, Adisaputra, and Jonathan. For opening presentation, we sang a song by W.R. Soepratman “Di Timur Matahari”

Di timur matahari mulai bercahaya bercahaya
Bangun dan berdiri kawan semua semua
Marilah mengatur barisan kita
Pemuda pemudi Indonesia

Their presentation is about direct voice and indirect voice. But they were a bit late due to PE. The three of them were taking a test on gymnastic and it has to be done by today. So they were late to class because of that. Although they seems kinda nervous, but they call it a day.

And here is the link to our learning video about direct and indirect speech:

And also the link to the short movie called “Sweet Cocoon”: https://youtu.be/D0a0aNqTehM
Synopsis: “Sweet Cocoon” about two insects that decide to help a struggling caterpilar in her metamorphosis.

We did learn too about present tense, past tense, past continous tense, past perfect continous tense and simple future tense. And for the closing song, they picked “Mande Mande” as their closing presentation.

Mande mande ana kona e mande
Wato rasa bagaimana beta pulang kawin dengan se
Malayo malayo malayo
Malayo tinggal dari tanjung tanjung yo tanjung
Yo Malayu tinggal dari tanjung tanjung tanjung yo
Sauh reka reka gaba gaba ampat buah
Kalo nyong sayang beta mari dekat dekat dekat jua

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