Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2019



We start the presentation with opening song: Hamba Menyanyi

Hamba menyanyi
Mencinta suara

Turut kepada seni Ibu Indonesia
Hanyalah ini hamba memberi

Tanda pecinta hati
Pada Bu Pertiwi

Hanya maksud jangan sampai
Hamba dengan tangan hampa

Bakti pada maha Indonesia
Terima hamba, sebagai putra
Meskipun hamba hanya  , dapat urun suara


and here's the news.

The Biggest Insect was Found

An explorer has found the biggest insect ever on record –
so large it can scoff a carrot. The insect is called a Weta
Bug and has a huge wing span of seven inches and weighs
as much as three mice.

An entomologist Mark Moffett, 55, discovered the
cricket-like creature up a tree on New Zealand’s Little
Barrier Island. He spent two days searching for the creepy
crawly which were thought to be extinct after Europeans
brought rats to the island many years ago.

“This became all the more amazing when we realised that
this was the largest insect recorded.” Mark said.

They didn’t have short movie and quiz. But in the end, they opened youtube and was searching thorugh youtube to play the short movie. By the way, their performance is excellent. And their pronunciations in English is not bad though. Our main focus is news item. News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.

It means if there is an important event that should be known
by many people, then this event deserves news. Well, the
news text is called the news item text. However, if there are
events that people do not deserve, then they are not
definitely worth to be news.

they gave us an exercises. we should find news item text and find the generic structures based from the text.

And we close the presentation with closing song: Desaku yang Kucinta

Desaku yang kucinta, pujaan hatiku
Tempat ayah dan bunda, dan handai taulanku
Tak mudah kulupakan, Tak mudah bercerai
Selalu ku rindukan, desaku yang permai

Desaku yang kucinta, pujaan hatiku
Tempat ayah dan bunda, dan handai taulanku
Tak mudah kulupakan, Tak mudah bercerai
Selalu ku rindukan, desaku yang permai

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