Selasa, 08 Oktober 2019



the members is Farras, Naomi, and Trisa. We sing a song "Ibu Kita Kartini" as an opening song.
Ibu kita Kartini
Putri sejati
Putri Indonesia
Harum namanya

Ibu kita Kartini
Pendekar bangsa
Pendekar kaumnya
Untuk merdeka

Wahai ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang mulia
Sungguh besar cita-citanya
Bagi Indonesia

Ibu kita Kartini
Putri jauhari
Putri yang berjasa
Se Indonesia

Ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang suci
Putri yang merdeka

Wahai ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang mulia
Sungguh besar cita-citanya
Bagi Indonesia

Ibu kita Kartini
Pendekar bangsa
Pendeka kaum ibu

Ibu kita Kartini
Penyuluh budi
Penyuluh bangsanya
Karena cintanya

Wahai ibu kita Kartini
Putri yang mulia
Sungguh besar cita-citanya
Bagi Indonesia

there are many students from various campuses held a demonstration in front of the House of Representatives / MPR / DPD, Thursday, 9 september 2019. They voiced rejection of the Revised Law Number 30 of 2002 on the Commission of Eradication of Corruption (RPA KPK) and the Revised Act of the Criminal Code (RKUHP). In the demo, the students assess the House of Representatives have injured the mandate of reform.

 Main focus in this chapter is about application letter, and we learn about passive voice and active voice. And I just realized in their presentation, they have no short movie. How sadly. And their explanation about application letter wasn't clear enough. But still, i respect them for the quiz that they prepared for us and we participated in general. We actually enjoy their presentation. I hope next time they would like to prepare a laptop before English lesson begin.

1.Siti still cannot hide her happiness because her investigation report about high school students’
eating habit ____appear___ on a regional newspaper yesterday.
2.Butet frequently initiates speaking in English with her classmates because one of the _____requirement____ appearing in job vacancy advertisement in the internet and newspaper is fluent spoken English.
3. Students of XII E class made class pledge stating their commitment to stop bullying __in order to____ positive classroom atmosphere for every class member.
4.I support Hawa Tuarita to be the new head of our student association because she possesses all the _____qualification______ to be a good leader for us.
5.Ratu Tita has written a letter addressed to the principal of our school asking for the permission to not attend classes for 2 days because we will join an English speech competition. _____attached to_____ the letter is our completed application letter to join the event, which is also signed by our English teacher.
6.As good___colleague______ , our teachers visited our English teacher who has been sick for a week. Some of us also went there together bringing our teacher’s favorite fruit.
7.Maya’s calm personality is really ___be suited____  for his role as one of the school mediators that help conflicting students achieve conflict resolution.
8.Fighting? Never. Although Bejo is a great master in martial art, he never takes fighting into his ___consideration________ in dealing with problems.
9.Don’t forget to attach your _____resume/CV_______  in your application letter and don’t forget to include all the trainings that you have attended.

And before they end their presentation, they gave us homework. we should write application letter with generic structures of application letter. And last, we sang a song “Injit Injit Semut”.

Jalan-jalan ke tanah Deli
sungguh indah tempat tamasya
kawan jangan bersedih
mari nyanyi bersama-sama

Kalau pergi ke Surabaya
naik perahu dayung sendiri
kalau hatimu sedih
yang rugi diri sendiri

Injit-injit semut
siapa sakit naik diatas
Injit-injit semut
walau sakit jangan dilepas

Naik perahu ke Pulau Seribu
sungguh hina
sungguh malang nasibku
punya pacar diambil orang

Ramai sungguh bandar Jakarta
tempat orang mengikat janji
walau pacar tak punya
hati senang dapat bernyanyi

Injit-injit semut
siapa sakit naik diatas
Injit-injit semut
walau sakit jangan dilepas

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