Selasa, 10 September 2019



We sing "Syukur" as the opening song for the presentation.

 Syukur lyric
 Dari yakin 'ku teguh
 Hati ikhlas 'ku penuh
 Akan karunia-Mu
 Tanah air pusaka
 Indonesia merdeka
 Syukur aku sembahkan
 Ke hadirat-Mu Tuhan
 Dari yakin 'ku teguh
 Cinta ikhlas 'ku penuh
 Akan jasa usaha
 Pahlawanku yang baka
 Indonesia merdeka
 Syukur aku hunjukkan
 Ke bawah duli tuan
 Dari yakin 'ku teguh
 Bakti ikhlas 'ku penuh
 Akan azas rukunmu
 Pandu bangsa yang nyata
 Indonesia merdeka
 Syukur aku hunjukkan
 Ke hadapanmu tuan
 Syukur aku sembahkan
 Ke hadirat-Mu Tuhan

After singing the opening song, we started the presentation with daily news.

Deadly consecutive accident occurred in Cipularang Highway section at Bandung Direction, Jakarta, Monday (2/9/2019).

The accident happened at around 12:30 WIB.

Reporting from Kompastv, according to one witness, Reestia Dela, an accident happened at the vicinity of kilometer 92. The vehicle involved in the accident before the rest area, near Kilometer 92 Cipularang Highway

Apparently, the vehicle visually appears damaged around the road segment.

Several vehicles were on fire and emitted black smoke which puffed.

Some vehicles also appear, piled up and thrown up til geting out of highway.

Not yet known the number of victims cause by this series of accidents.

Reporting from World Atlas, quoted from, Here is the list of most consecutive collisions in history.

On 3rd slides, we were going to main point about "What Is Seattle?" because most of us probably didn't know about Seattle, so Group 2 were explained it to us through their powerpoint.

Main point is about Conditional Sentences. we learned it with Miss Nurhasanah in sophomore class as well.

Formula :

If + condition, consequence

Consequence + if + condition

Conditional sentence type 0

If + simple present, simple present

Simple present + if + simple present

Ex :

If it rains, the grass gets wet

The grass gets wet if it rains

Conditional sentence type 1

If + simple present, present future (will)

Present future + if + simple present

Ex :

If you tell him the truth, he will forgive you

If I win the lottery, I will take you to Raja Ampat
Conditional sentence type 2

If + past tense, past future

Past future + if + past tense

Ex :

If I became the President, I will pay more attention to human rights
Conditional sentence type 3

If + past perfect, future perfect

Future perfect + if + past perfect

Ex :

If I had studied harder, i would have gotten a better job

Surprisingly, there were short movie on this performance. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time to watch it so here's the synopsys.

Two insects help a caterpillar in its metamorphosis. Two insects help a caterpillar in her metamorphosis. Sweet Cocoon retained as short film "Highly recommended" by in additional list to be projected to the program of "Nominated Short Films" at the Oscars 2015! Sweet Cocoon has been selected at the 2015 Oscar ("Nominated Short Films" category)!

and they already prepared for pronunciation practice. but again, we almost running out of time, so we skip it.

They already prepared it well for the quiz and the exercise on page 2.

For closing, we sing "Buka Pintu" a traditional song from Maluku.

Lyric of Buka Pintu
Buka pintu buka pintu, beta mau mau masuke
Siolah nona nona beta, adalah di mukae
Beta panggil tidak menyahut, buka pintu juga tidak mau
Siolah nona, beta mau masuke

Beta panggil tidak menyahut, buka pintu juga tidak mau
Buka pintu beta mau mau masuke

Buka pintu buka pintu, beta mau mau masuke
Siolah nona nona beta, adalah di mukae
Ada anjing gonggong betae, ada hujan basah betae
Siolah nona beta mau masuke

Ada anjing gonggong betae, ada hujan basah betae
Buka pintu beta mau mau masuke

As we know, “if” conditional is not as easy as we think. Even if they try to explain it one by one, there’s a plenty of  things to figure it out. So Mrs. Nur still had to teaches us as well. But i like the way they explain it, they still try to speaks English as long as they can so i appreciate it.

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