Kamis, 21 November 2019



This is the last group from our class. This is Dina, Kresna, and Nurbaiti. There should be Syahreza, but he is absent today. For opening, we sing a song “Ibu Pertiwi” by Ismail Marzuki.

Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Emas intannya terkenang
Hutan, gunung, sawah, lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Kami datang berbakti
Lihatlah, putra-putrimu
Menggembirakan ibu
Ibu, kami tetap cinta
Putramu yang setia
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Emas intannya terkenang
Hutan, gunung, sawah, lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa

They have additional song by Michael Jackson “Heal the World” https://youtu.be/leHXw2T-
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me
If you want to know why
There's love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares of joyful giving
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear of dread
We stop existing and start living
The it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
So make a better world
Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
And the dream we were conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify its soul
Though it's plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be god's glow
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying 
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
You and for me
And their closing song is “Suwe Ora Jamu”, the traditional song from Central Java.

Lirik asli (Bahasa Jawa)Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia
Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela,
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela.
Lama tidak minum jamu
Jamu daun ketela,
Lama tidak bertemu
Sekali bertemu membuat kecewa.


Kamis, 14 November 2019



we choose Rayuan Pulau Kelapa as our opening national song
Tanah Airku Indonesia
Negeri Elok Amat Ku Cinta
Tanah Tumpah Darahku Yang Mulia
Yang Ku Puja Sepanjang Masa
Tanah Airku Aman dan Makmur
Pulau Kelapa Yang Amat Subur
Pulau Melati Pujaan Bangsa
Sejak Dulu Kala


Melambai Lambai
Nyiur Di Pantai
Berbisik Bisik
Raja Kelana
Memuja Pulau
Nan Indah Permai
Tanah Airku
our presentation is still focusing on procedure text.


1. Do you know photoshop? 
Yes i do

2. What the function of photoshop?
To edit photo to be more incredible

3. What is the generic structure of procedure text? 
     1. Goal/aim, 
     2. material/ ingredients, 
     3. step

And the exercise for today is to find the procedure text and identify the generic structures of procedure text. Each group have diffferent types of procedure text. Our group is about “how to use coin for Shopee”.

I honestly appreciate our teamwork. My group is really has great pronunciation in English. I think we prepared very well.

i think we are the one and only among all groups who choose "horror" as our short movie's genre. In case some of you might curious, the title of our short movie is "KOOKIE". common people use animation/CGI as their short movie. but instead of cartoon/animation, we had live action as our choices.

we picked Soleram as our closing song. here is the lyrics:

Anak yang manis
Anak manis janganlah dicium sayang
Kalau dicium merah lah pipinya
Satu dua
Tiga dan empat
Lima enam
Tujuh delapan
Kalau tuan dapat kawan baru sayang
Kawan lama ditinggalkan jangan

Selasa, 05 November 2019



They are Fathan, Arshanda, and Dominica. Their opening song is Sepasang Mata Bola.
Sepasang Mata Bola
Cipt. Ismail Marzuki
Hampir malam di Jogya
Ketika keretaku tiba
Remang remang cuaca
Terkejut aku tiba tiba
Dua mata memandang
Seolah dia berkata kata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Dari pada sang angkara murka
Sepasang mata bola
Dari balik jendela
Datang dari Jakarta
Menuju medan perwira
Kagumku melihatnya
Sinar sang perwira rela
Pergilah pahlawanku
Jangan bimbang ragu
Bersama doaku
Dua mata memandang
Seolah dia berkata kata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Dari pada sang angkara murka

    Still, their presentation is about procedure text. Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.
We do the exercise on English book on page 134.
Vocabulary Exercise
1. Dina has bought a more unique cage for the newly-hatched birds.
2. Throughout the experiment, the students have to ensure that the temperature is relatively the same from time to time.
3. The family intend to breed a new species of leopard geckos.
4. The neighbors finally decided to separate their areas by using fences.
5. Salamanders are oviparous and lay large eggs in clumps  in water.
6. It seems to take about twenty days for this egg to hatch.
7. On the lid of the plastic container is a wooden sculpture of  an animal.
8. The animals have to be separated because the male one shows much aggression.
And here is the synopsys from the short movie called Mom - A Mother, Missing Home
Synopsys: In Korean, “wedding” has the meaning of “going husband’s house”. In other words, “leaving her home”. This is a story about a woman, who was a baby, daughter, lady, wife, and mom.

And finally they closing the presentation with a song titled “Cik Cik Periuk”
Lirik asli dalam bahasa Melayu SambasTerjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia
Cik cik periuk belanga' sumping dari Jawe
Datang nek kecibok bawa' kepiting dua' ekok
Cik cik periuk, panci sumbing dari Jawa
Datang nenek kecibok membawa kepiting dua ekor
Cik cik periuk belanga' sumping dari Jawe
Datang nek kecibok bawa' kepiting dua' ekok
Cik cik periuk, panci sumbing dari Jawa
Datang nenek kecibok membawa kepiting dua ekor
Cak cak bur dalam belanga', idong picak gigi rongak
Sape ketawa' dolok dipancung raje tunggal, hei!
Diceburkan ke dalam panci, hidung pesek gigi ompong
Siapa tertawa duluan dipancung raja tunggal, hei!

Arshanda and Dominica are quite shy and barely talk to others, while Fathan are extremely the opposite to them.  He is like the most talkative person among those three. But personally, i like the combination of them. The way they trying hard to convince us to explain and sort things out for us. I hope Arshanda and Dominica would be more talkative and step by step, they could have more interaction with the other classmates.

Senin, 04 November 2019



Includes Rizky Amalia, Ahmad Raihan, and M. Daffa Attirmidzi Fahlevi. Before they begin their presentation, we sang a song “Wajib Belajar” by Restu Narwan Sutarmas
Mari kita laksanakan wajib belajar 
Putra putri tunas bangsa 
Harapan negara 
Wajib belajar cerdaskan 
Kehidupan bangsa
Membangun ntuk menuju masyarakat
Adil sejahtera 

Gunakan waktumu isilah hidupmu 
Tekunlah belajar giatlah bekerja 
Berantas kebodohan perangi kemiskinan 
Habis gelap terbit terang 
Hari depan cerlang

Ayo kita giatkan wajib belajar
Jangan putus tengah jalan marilah tamatkan
Tanam ilmu sekarang
Petik hari depan
Cerdas trampil berwibawa penuh daya cipta

Gunakan waktumu isilah hidupmu
Tekunlah belajar giatlah belajar
Jadikan tunas bangsa inti pembangunan
Adil makmur sejahtera
Merata bahagia

Mari kita laksanakan wajib belajar 
Putra putri tunas bangsa 
Harapan negara 
Wajib belajar cerdaskan 
Kehidupan bangsa
Membangun ntuk masyarakat
Adil sejahtera

Gunakan waktumu isilah hidupmu 
Tekunlah belajar giatlah bekerja 
Berantas kebodohan perangi kemiskinan 
Habis gelap terbit terang 
Hari depan cerlang

Ayo kita giatkan wajib belajar
Jangan putus tengah jalan marilah tamatkan
Tanam ilmu sekarang
Petik hari depan
Cerdas trampil berwibawa penuh daya cipta

Gunakan waktumu isilah hidupmu 
Tekunlah belajar giatlah bekerja 
Jadikan tunas bangsa inti pembangunan
Adil makmur sejahtera
Merata bahagia

Actually, i am pissed off of this group. Although they did it, but they shouldn’t have to snatch another chapter’s group. It’s kinda disappointing because they already has taken over the chapter of my group. They should have taken chapter 7, but i assumed they were mistaken for chapter 10. So i don’t know how do i do to present what we already made in Powerpoint.

And for closing song, they pick “Gelang Sipaku Gelang”.
Gelang sipaku gelang
Gelang si rama rama

Mari pulang
Marilah pulang
Marilah pulang

Mari pulang
Marilah pulang
Marilah pulang

Sayonara sayonara
Sampai berjumpa pulang

Sayonara sayonara
Sampai berjumpa pulang

Buat apa susah Buat apa susah
Susah itu tak ada gunanya



In that pic, there are Grace, Ferisca, and Raditya. Indonesia Pusaka is the choice for our opening song.
Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Slalu dipuja-puja bangsa
Disana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Sampai akhir menutup mata
Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Slalu dipuja-puja bangsa
Disana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Sampai akhir menutup mata

Their topic is about “how to make“, similar to previous group which is concludes procedure text. So far, i think their presentation is really complete. There’s many examples hanging around, vocabularies, and short movie. I admire this group. 
They give us homework, such as how to make pastry. We must choose between donut, cupcake, and milkshake. I choose pancake for my exercise.

And our closing song is “Keroncong Kemayoran”.
La la la la la la la laaa
Laju laju perahu laju
Jiwa manis indung di sayang
La la la la la la la la laaa
Laju sekali laju sekali ke surabaya
Belenong di pinggir kali
Dengan Keroncong senang sekali
La la la la la la la laaa
Boleh lupa kain dan baju
Jiwa manis indung di sayang
La la la la la la la la laaa
Janganlah lupa janganlah lupa kepada saya
Keladi dalam almari
Yang baik budi yang saya cari
La la la la la la la laaa
Boleh lupa kain dan baju
Jiwa manis indung di sayang
La la la la la la la la laaa
Janganlah lupa janganlah lupa kepada saya

Merpati terbang melayang
Cinta sejati Slalu terbayang
Kedondong di atas peti
Ini keroncong mohon berhenti
Semogalah semua senang di hati

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2019



Chapter 6 includes Dinda, Adisaputra, and Jonathan. For opening presentation, we sang a song by W.R. Soepratman “Di Timur Matahari”

Di timur matahari mulai bercahaya bercahaya
Bangun dan berdiri kawan semua semua
Marilah mengatur barisan kita
Pemuda pemudi Indonesia

Their presentation is about direct voice and indirect voice. But they were a bit late due to PE. The three of them were taking a test on gymnastic and it has to be done by today. So they were late to class because of that. Although they seems kinda nervous, but they call it a day.

And here is the link to our learning video about direct and indirect speech:

And also the link to the short movie called “Sweet Cocoon”: https://youtu.be/D0a0aNqTehM
Synopsis: “Sweet Cocoon” about two insects that decide to help a struggling caterpilar in her metamorphosis.

We did learn too about present tense, past tense, past continous tense, past perfect continous tense and simple future tense. And for the closing song, they picked “Mande Mande” as their closing presentation.

Mande mande ana kona e mande
Wato rasa bagaimana beta pulang kawin dengan se
Malayo malayo malayo
Malayo tinggal dari tanjung tanjung yo tanjung
Yo Malayu tinggal dari tanjung tanjung tanjung yo
Sauh reka reka gaba gaba ampat buah
Kalo nyong sayang beta mari dekat dekat dekat jua